Understanding What My NDIS Funding Can Be Used For

The National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS) was founded to offer support to Australian people living with disabilities. At Lizard, our priority is to help families understand how NDIS funding can be used and to assist with early intervention services.

NDIS funding is implemented to assist young children living with disabilities to connect with the right NDIS core supports to pursue their goals, learn independence skills, assist with community participation and to develop the capacity to actively take part in community activities.

No child is the same, therefore, Lizard’s priority is to support you in finding the unique NDIS supports tailored to your child’s needs. We can assist in connecting your child with the most fitted supports in your area, such as the community health centre, educational settings, and their playgroup.

Lizard have assisted many families across Australia to access funding for early intensive behavioural intervention. Based on Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), this is an evidence-based, thorough intervention with demonstrated positive outcomes for children living with autism. Each program is adapted to your child’s needs to promote development, well-being, and community participation.

Our Social Skills Program is also offered to teach socialization and reciprocal forms of play. This is done by carefully assigned to groups by age and ability, the programs focus is to help develop individual social and educational skills for your child.

Another key core support accessed through NDIS as your child grows up is Supported Independent Living. Evidently, your child will transition from Lizard to Nextt, where we can continue to support their needs and help guide them to living a more independent life.

An initial development assessment to understand your child’s unique skills and strengths will be conducted by Lizard. Our team will help you develop measurable goals and objectives and will provide you with documentation on how our services are delivered.

If you seek further information on how Lizard can assist you with getting the most out of your NDIS funding for your child contact us on 1300 752 617.